Sunday, February 27, 2011

Functions of advertising

Functions of advertising
1.   To differentiate the product from their competitors

An important function of advertising is the identification function, that is, to identify a product and differentiate it from others; this creates an awareness of the product and provides a basis for consumers to choose the advertised product over other products
The identification function of advertising includes the ability of advertising to differentiate a product so that it has its own unique identity or personality. There are four additional ways to differentiate your offering from the competition and increase your differentiation: leveraging the brand, innovating your service offering, as well as designing product and packaging in a way that creates an aesthetic beyond the functional. None of these methods are expensive. All are ways that can increase your perceived value to the customer and increase your market share.
           Example: GARNIER FRUTICS (shampoo) the shampoo bottle have the different color from all other shampoo available in the shelf. The bottle of the shampoo is unique from all others.
          Example: apple laptops make them different from others as the WHITE color and logo of APPLE on back of the screen.

2.   To communicate product information

Another function of advertising is to communicate information about the product, its attributes, and its location of sale; this is the information function. Product information communicated to the customers in manner that meets their information needs. Most consumers tend to discount the information in advertising because they understand that the purpose of the advertising is to persuade. Making an advertising message believable is not easy; though often it is sufficient to make the consumer curious enough to try the product. Advertisers use a variety of devices to increase the believability of their advertising: celebrities or experts who are the spokespersons for the product, user testimonials, product demonstrations, research results, and endorsements.
Ponds age miracle, in that ad the celebrity HADIQA KAYANI is informing the consumers about the benefits of it. That how the old women can look younger by using it continuously. It will make you fair cream plus it reduces wrinkles plus it can be used as a sun block as well it will make you look young.

3.   To urge product used

The third function of advertising is to induce consumers to try new products and to suggest re-use of the product as well as new uses; this is the persuasion function.
The basic function of advertising is to provide constant reminders and reinforcements to generate the desired behavior the advertiser wants from them. This is a particularly effective function in the long run as reminders and reinforcements register in the consumers' minds, becoming the base on which they shape their future decisions.
Fair and lovely as we know that it will make a girl look fair and prettier in 4 weeks.
Example: Neutrogena acne treatment cream will remove your pimple is 24 hours. NEUTROGENA say no to pimples!!

4.   To expand the product distribution

When the consumer comes to know about the particular product from the advertisement he/she wants to try that new product. They go to shops to buy the product; if the new product is not available in a shop then the shopkeeper consults the distributor to make that product available in his shop. It is basically to provide the product all over market. It is necessary to make sure that product should be accessible to everyone. Availability of product effect the distribution.
Wateen telecom and Motorola Partner to Expand Distribution of Videoconferencing Product Line in Pakistan. So as many people are getting to know about this facility they are running towards the franchises to avail it. So for that Wateen should expand their distribution all around the cities.
Accessibility is major factor for successful product

5.   Too increase brand preference and loyalty
Marketing is a moving thing. As your needs are changed your preferences are changed. When the product delivers the promised quality, service and value, it creates satisfied customers who become instrumental in spreading a favorable word-of-mouth. Satisfied customers also develop brand preference; each product features and uses are written on the product.
Example: 99% girls who are not married will not look at the ad of pampers or any milk powder for children but when they will get married their interest will automatically move towards such ad'
Brand loyalty
Brand loyalty is a long-term customer preference for a particular product or service. Brand loyalty can be produced by factors such as customer satisfaction with the performance or price of a specific product or service, or through identifying with a brand image. It can be encouraged by advertising.
People often make purchasing decisions based on how a brand makes them feel emotionally rather than based on quality or other objective evaluations. If "Just Do it" strikes a chord with an athlete, he'll buy Nike; the decision may have little to do with quality.
Example: For instance, when one buys a tube of Colgate toothpaste and finds it ok, one will not have to spend any valuable time on looking for other toothpaste brands.

6.   To reduce overall sales cost
Like if we would advertise through newspapers, TV, broachers and internet, it would cater huge sum of masses and if you do individually it would be more costly and time consuming.
Example: Coke targets their consumers on a very large scale through mass media whereas Makka cola advertise on smaller scale or go door to door to advertise their product.

7.   Creates new demands
Advertising have to create new demands they should educate the people about more and more new things coming up in the market. Each year new products, including line extensions and new brands are introduced into groceries and drugstores.
Example: TATA telecom is offering wireless internet chips, video conferencing and telecalling services as they are introducing new services in market its creating new demands.
Example: Maggi is introducing its new flavors in the market and creating the demand.
8.   When a product is selling you have to teach the people about the product
Advertisement teaches and guides the buyers about the product, services and idea. Many times, advertisement talks about the features and the advantages of the advertised product. It gives demonstrations of the product thereby disseminating its easy use feature and comfort ability.
Example: Whirlpool Washing machine advertisement tells about the easy to use feature of their product by demonstrating that a child can use it without adult supervision.

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