Friday, April 15, 2011



       Free flow of information
       Macbride Commission
       Non-Alignment Movement

       United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
       A specialized agency of the United Nations established on 16 November 1945.
       In the field of communication:
     a) The free flow of information has been a priority for UNESCO from its beginnings.
     b) In the years immediately following World War II, efforts were concentrated on reconstruction and on the identification of needs for means of mass communication around the world.
     c) UNESCO started organizing training and education for journalists in the 1950s.
In response to calls for a "New World Information and Communication Order" in the late 1970s,
      UNESCO established the International Commission for the Study of Communication Problems, which produced the 1980 MacBride report (named after the Chair of the Commission, the Nobel Peace Prize laureate Seán MacBride)
      Following the MacBride report, UNESCO introduced the Information Society for All programme and Toward Knowledge Societies.


 New World Information Communication Order

       NWICO or NWIO is a term that was coined in a debate over media representations of the developing world in UNESCO in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
       The term was widely used by the Mac Bride Commission .

       media coverage of the developing world and unbalanced flows of media influence.
       new technologies with important military and commercial uses.
       An unbalanced flow of mass media from the developed world (especially the United States) to the underdeveloped countries. Everyone watches American movies and television shows.
       The protection of journalists from violence was raised as an issue for discussion. For example, journalists were targeted by various military dictatorships in Latin America in the 1970s. As part of NWICO debates there were suggestions for study on how to protect journalists and even to discipline journalists who broke "generally recognized ethical standards". However, the MacBride Commission specifically came out against the idea of licensing journalists.

Free flow of information
       1ST world nation / Developed countries.
       Britain, Spain, Neither land, other European countries.
       The concept of Free flow of information came from west countries.
       The 1st world nation played important role.
       Have colonies.
       After 15th century 1st nation established their colonies all over the world.
       Used to take the resources from colonies for their own profit.
       Break of information.
       Lack of information.
       1ST world nations need information for their development and growth.
       Need of information technology for their development and growth.
       Control on information and technology.
       Flow from information passes by here……almost present scenario is same.

Medium for free flow of information are:
       TV, NP, news agency came in existence, Magazine, Radio, News Agency etc.
       Operated from 1st and 2nd world nation.
       After I World war (1914) broadcast service had been started…….satellite…. the reach and revolution of information technology.
       But at present the controlling power is in hand of west countries.
       2nd world nation after II World war (1925-46) get independent countries started to publish their own view.
       The rivalry began started from here between 1st and 2nd world nation….known as cold war or information war.
       1981-91 European countries getting weaker….cold war had been ended.

       Imbalance of news/information

Macbride Commission:
       In 1970 after dispute of nwico…established International committee for the study of communication problem.
       16 countries aligned.
       called Macbride Commission.
       Egypt, China, Colombia, India, Japan, Canada, America and others.
       Dispute defined between developed and developing.

Non-Alignment Movement:
       17 Aug, 1945-imbalance-meeting- 15 countries….get independence from colonies system.
       1955: Meeting in Bandoong.
       1961 the Non-Align countries came in front.
       1st meeting of Non-Align countries held in

Objective: to develop the 3rd world nations.


       20th Jan 1975 News Pool came in existence.
       Contribution of news agency of Tanjug (Yugoslavia) and 11 other news agency.
       1976 the meeting of foreign minister.
       July 1976 1st conference in New Delhi.
       The declaration of pool had been accepted in this conference.
       The program of communication system has been prepared.
       Coordination committee.
       Jan 1977 40 countries joined the News Pool.
       At present from 1983:84 countries …member.
       PTI from India.
       At present its functioning but its relevancy got down.

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